Why the educated are so poor?

By: Aloyce Mkwizu
Most educated people in Africa are poor. Not just poor, but very Poor. Why?
Because 80% of the educated people in Africa earn less than 500 Usd for a salary before tax and other deductions. When the deductions are put into consideration, the net salary comes to around 350 Usd.
The net salary then suffers from loan deductions of up to 100 Usd leaving the salary at around 250 Usd. The landlord then demands for his 100 Usd and monthly shopping takes away 50 Usd leaving one with a 100 Usd. The bus will demand for 40 Usd going to and from work and relatives get another 20 Usd, Remaining 50 Usd can’t even take care of one kid in a nice private school, whole salary is gone and borrowed money starts operating. The borrowed money includes short loans and salary advances where by payment is up to 50% in interest.
The difference between poverty and prosperity is property. A prosperous person has property to his name while a poverty stricken person has no property to show. Using this understanding, therefore, most of the degree holders are poverty stricken, borrowing money to buy chicken and chips, pizza, buy expensive gadgets for show off and loaned cars to surprise their enemies.
The biggest excuse for getting paid such low amounts of money and having to sit and work for another person for 30 days in 30 years plus is THE DEGREE that one possesses and that’s all. This has made most of the degree holders very poor to poverty stricken and will die that way most likely. A degree holder does not know how to generate money unless that money is generated for the employer. A degree holder is so dependent on the salary that he can do anything to get a job but will not think of starting a business of his own to employ others. Employee is good but use it as a doorway into entrepreneurship. You are not good in business. Then build rental houses.
1.   A degree holder is not prepared to sell chips but is very happy to work in KFC, Java etc for hungry lion.
2.   A degree holder is not prepared to sell popcorn in the street but is very happy to work at Safaricom/ Airtel/ Supermarket outlet daily standing from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm going home with 100, 200 or 250 Usd per month.
3.   A degree holder is not prepared to sell second hand clothes but is very happy to be employed by an Asian selling same clothes.
4.   A degree holder is not prepared to make 100 Usd monthly doing his own business but is very happy to work at the till in a bank getting paid 400 Usd – 700 Usd while 50% of same cash go for Tax and Vat.
5.   A degree holder is not prepared to start a company and grow it in two to three years but will spend three years searching for a job.
6.   A degree holder is not prepared to sell food to students but will be happy to be reporting to a boss with no qualifications as long as he is paid 30,000 for a salary.
7.   A degree holder is so eager to get out of this country and work in another country than spend time to develop his own country.
8.   A degree holder staying in a foreign land  is very keen to condemn Africa but never contributing to the development of this country.
9.   An African degree holder would rather sweep the streets of London or USA than start a business and make money in Kenya – others work in people’s homes doing some work you can’t explain.
10. A degree holder in Africa will watch porn on his laptop but never to write a book using the same laptop to sell and make money.
11. A degree holder will blame the government for lack of jobs even after he was on government bursary for him to have his degree.
12. A degree holder will spent entire day betting rather than looking for proper way to grow their income.
13. Africa is blessed with people who have master’s degree and others are doctors in different technical fields such as IT and Engineering but all of them have failed to create a cartoon character and develop a movie from the same instead very happy to buy Tom and Jerry for their children thereby promoting America.
At the school I go to, there is a man that is of very humble background. He does not speak English but sells Coke, Fanta and Sprite at 0.35 Usd each making a profit of around 0.10 Usd on each drink. He also sells chips at 1 Usd making a profit of 0.30 Usd on each portion. Not less than 100 students buy chips and a drink every single day. This means he makes a profit of 0.40 Usd for a drink and chips and a total profit of 40 Usd per day…every single day. In ten days he makes a profit of 400 Usd, in twenty days 800 Usd and in thirty days 1200 Usd which means in a bad month he goes home with not less than 700 Usd.
The degree holder working in a bank at the till gets a salary of 50,000 every month.
Why are the degree holders poor?
Because they have decided to pride themselves in a degree and failed to think better than a man who does not have even a certificate to his name.
Degree holders spend their time liking articles on linkedIn and facebook but never have any care in the world to implement what they like. Poverty starts from the mind, a mind that just likes things but never to implement those things.
If you want to progress, throw away that degree and start thinking better than someone without a degree. Be prepared to get your hands dirty and work like an ox for your business. Your hard work will pay off.
Stop pride to eradicate poverty.
#University of Dar es salaam, UDSM
#Makerere University.
#University of Kampala.
#Kenyatta University.
#Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. MUHAS
#Sokoine University of Agriculture.
#Cairo University
#University of Capetown.
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It has come to my concern that most writers, bloggers and even journalists have been always delivering negative views about Africa. Most of them have forgotten the famous proverb that says “In every bad thing, there is something good in it” and the vice versa also being true. They have forgotten that Africa is the mother continent from were all developed countries have found their riches. They have forgotten, or may be out of their own ignorance that the people of Africa (African’s) have the highest degree of hospitality, kindness, love and many other positive values that can be assimilated by oneself.

So many uncountable good things about Africa yet this honest continent has been negatively branded by media throughout the world in which in the scale of truth, it is all a lie. Nothing God as ever created is 100% perfect, even Africa itself, but how the world views Africa is more irritating even to write. The one who said Africa is a dark continent came during the night and left the continent before sunrise. His words are totally fake.

Not even a single country in Africa leads in poverty, bad leadership (dictatorship), ignorance, corruption, terrorism, civil wars and bad democracy and the links below this article can prove the later statement. But when the above mentioned happens even once in Africa or in particular countries it becomes a life time story and sometimes even exaggerated. The continent is affected by diseases only because of its geographical location (tropical climate) which favors most disease causing organism.

No one talks about world successful leaders that owe their origin to Africa. No one talks about the tourism attractions present in Africa. Even 1 of the 10 wonders of the world is in Africa but I bet if the majority knew this. There are full of Africans doing good in music, sports, leadership and innovations worldwide but they have shorter biographies in the internet than porn artists of the western countries. Nothing is wrong with Africa. Most of the countries attained their independence between 1950’s and 1990’s so you can’t compare them with developed countries which attained their independence more than 200 years ago some of them even not being colonized. Most of the western countries during their first 50 years of independence weren’t even successful compared to some countries in Africa but they still brag that Africa is underdeveloped. It is a big lie trying to become the truth. Africa is still developing, it only needs a few years 5 or 10 probably to show the world that it is also a place to be.

My perspective is that, it is high time for everyone especially Africans themselves to brand this continent positively for the betterment of human race and the future at large.

“Tough times never last but tough people do.”Robert Schuller.


Send this message to all Africans and non Africans telling them Africa is a place to be and that you are proud to be an African. By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

Inspired by PLO Lumumba and Akon.

  1. Most violent cities in the world.
  2. List of countries by unemployment.
  3. Most corrupt countries in the world.
  4. Countries most affected by terrorism.
  5. Countries with worst governments.
  6. Poorest countries in the world.
  7. Natural wonders of the world. Mt.Kilimanjaro
  8. Top 10 wonders of Africa.
  9. The Africa you won’t see in TV

The above links show that Africa is not the only place where problems exist. Problems are everywhere in the world and some places not in Africa it’s even worse.




4th largest mountain in the world.








A bad life is better than no life,

A bad plan is better than no plan,

A bad school is better than no school,

A bad experience is better than no experience,

A bad food is better than no food,

A bad service is better than no service,

A bad parent is better than no parent,

A bad progress is better than no progress,

A bad job is better than no job,

Bad is bad, nothing is worse,

Tough times never last,

I don’t need to prove,

What am utterly sure is,

Bad is sometimes good.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Entrepreneur.

Quote of the day.

Tough times never last but tough people do. By: Robert Schuller.

Just when the caterpillar thought that the world is over it became a butterfly. Proverb.


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