9 things you should avoid in 2018.


2017 has gone and today is the first day in 2018 and i have got a list of the 10 things you should avoid this year so as to make the most of it. We all know that 2018 is the eraser of all our mistakes done in 2017 so don’t waste the rubber and start moving to where you are supposed to be.

  1. Procrastination. Don’t avoid things that you have planned to do. Procrastination is a habit of losers. Those who procrastinated in 2017 and planning to procrastinate in 2018 have a great chance to procrastinate forever.
  2. Stress. Stress kills. Stress affects your healthy. Stress is an imagination which one can control by self.
  3. Negativity. Avoid being negative. Turn problems into challenges. Always be positive. You can not have a positive life in a negative mind.
  4. Hate. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
  5. Regret. Past is past. Even regret can’t change it. Focus on the present while preparing for the future.
  6. Fear. The two major fears are fear of criticism and fear of death. If you avoid these two your road to success is much brighter.
  7. Laziness. Work hard and become a leader, be lazy and never succeed. He who does not work shall not eat.
  8. Ignorance. Martin Luther King once said “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” First learn then earn.
  9. Over caution. 2018 is the year you have to take risk because the biggest risk is not taking any risk. Successful people have always been saying that you can’t get anywhere in life without taking risks. At least they have been there to give the testimony.

Welcome to 2018. Stay motivated and keep pushing and trying until you get were you deserve to be.

BY: Aloyce Mkwizu. Writer and Entrepreneur. 


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Image result for success quotes hd wallpapers



Success is when a talent meets opportunity.


      It is true that success is when preparation meets opportunity and the vice versa. But it is also true that success is when talent meets opportunity. Who doesn’t have a talent in this world? None. But how many people are using their talents effectively? Few. But in my case studies, I found out that most of successful people are so because they utilized their talents effectively. You might not know what a talent is. A talent is a natural ability, skill, creativeness or an artistic aptitude. If any talent meets opportunity, that’s when we say someone is very successful. Look, Thomas Edison never did well in school and his teachers always demoralized him. But it is his experimental talents and physics’ genius that made him invert the electric bulb and become among the successful people the world as ever known. Even Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, Dale Carnegie, Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling, Mike Tyson and other successful people had to pursue their talents to become what they are today. Some of them had to drop school to pursue their talents. Some of them had to quit high paying jobs only to pursue their talents. This shows how important a talent is in ones journey to success.  It is a call to you and me to cultivate our talents so as to shorten our success journey.

Dedicated to: students all over the world, people who have lost hope.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Student and Enterpreneur.

A word from the author.

A talent is a gift that is given to you by God. Either use it or he will take it away and give it to another person. (more spiritual)

Quote of the day.

Success is when a talent meets opportunity. By Aloyce Mkwizu.

Everyone is gifted. But most people never open their packages. By unknown.

jordan yugf



Accept Failure, use it to succeed.


We all know the phrase that says “never give up.” It has been the most used word to motivate people since the beginning of time. And all that is because failure has been part of our life. This proves the statement that says failure is a part of success. There is no success in life without even a dot of failure and I can prove this. Look, Jesus had to die to save the world. Here I have compared death to failure. A lot of vivid examples can prove that failure is important in the success journey. The only man who hasn’t failed is the one who has never tried, said a successful person. The only reason that I have written this article is to remind you that tough times never last but tough people do. Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times before discovering artificial light (electric bulb). The biographies of successful people like Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Jack Ma, Nelson Mandela, Jay Z, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Albert Einstein and JK Rowling are all full of failures. It’s like am motivating you to fail but that’s not it. Am just trying to say that when failure comes just use it as a motivation to give you what you want. Failure is the only opportunity to begin again, but this time wisely, said Henry Ford a famous success of all time. So if you understood my point just believe me when I say failure is success in progress so “NEVER GIVE UP.”


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Writer and Entrepreneur.

Failure is success in darkness. By Aloyce Mkwizu.

Failure is success if we learn from it. By Malcolm Forbes.

Learn from others failures so that you won’t fall where they did. By Aloyce Mkwizu.

failurefail 1failure 2

An inspiration to entrepreneurs.


Who said it is easy to become an entrepreneur? But if you want to be one, don’t give up. Entrepreneurship is all about taking risk to start a business and so far as I know, it is the highest paying job in the world. It’s not a job exactly but what am sure of is that 95% of the richest people in this world are entrepreneurs and the remaining 5% are joining the group soon. For that, I have written together some inspirational statements that will get you into the 95%.


  • A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
  • Don’t be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.
  • It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.
  • If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
  • Success is how high you bounce after you fall.
  • Ideas are easy but implementation is hard. You know what to do.
  • There is nothing wrong with staying small. David was small but killed the Goliath. Start with what you have.
  • Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice.
  • You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.
  • Believe in yourself because if not no one will.


Conclusively, we reap what we saw and if you know what that means there is still a long way to go so never give up and keep moving.


“Success is a journey but it depends on which transport you use.”



By; Aloyce Mkwizu. Student, Writer and Entrepreneur.