
Tanzania Students Studying Abroad Association.

TASSAA (Tanzania Students Studying Abroad Association) is a non governmental organization which was founded in August 2018, by Aloyce Gastone Mkwizu and Innocent Beda Labule with the main aim of connecting Tanzania Youth studying abroad. Our motto being redefining education, it came to our concern that the Youth population undergoing their studies abroad don’t have a platform that they can share their experience abroad for the betterment of our nation Tanzania.

Also we thought to increase the number of scholarships opportunities to students who would be eligible, by which it would increase transfer of Technology from developed countries and also increasing the number of skilled personnel which is still a setback to development in our country. By making this dream a reality, our team has seek more than 1000 full funded scholarships across the world in top ranked university which will be distributed equally among the students who will be eligible respectively. To make sure that our sweat isn’t in vain, the students have to serve the nation in all the years of their scholarship either directly or indirectly and after finishing their studies in a period of not less that 10 years. By doing so, our nation’s speed of development will double if not triple and forget some of the major or minor problems facing it. We also seek to work with the Ministry of Education hand in hand in a symbiotic relationship trying to improve the sector in one way or another since we have seen that education directly contributes to the development of a nation.

To be continued…………………………………………


Elecrama 2018 review by Aloyce Mkwizu.


I have never been there, that was the first though that came to my mind before i decided to visit the elecrama exhibition, since it is all seen from outside that it is the worlds largest exbihition  of everything electric. The experience i got today has changed all my perspective about electricity and technology at large.

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I have been there and I know how it feels. More than 200 companies in one exhibition showing and trying to prove to the people that they can make the world a better place. Something that caught my attention are the companies which focus themselves in building of smart cities, cities which inside have no source of carbon dioxide or any other harmful gas. Their plan is very beautiful, inspiring and easy to understand.  One of them being SRI CITY.

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Other companies that amazed me include fybros smart electrical creations that volcano Bluetooth speaker, Ozone bell and speaker, and the Asterix multi charging adaptor that I will provide their images below. These techs are very amazing.

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I also got a chance to see big generators that can power up until a a small village of 100 houses. one of them is a Bio gas controlled and one was diesel controlled meaning that the bio gas one is more effective in areas with high population like schools of crowded towns and the diesel one elsewhere. This gives us an alternative source of energy other than hydroelectric power that can be used in developing countries especially in Africa where power supply has been a continuous problem.

This article would have been very long if I wrote everything that I saw in elecrama so other stuffs will be described by the images which will be embedded at the end of this article. But I won’t forgive myself if I won’t mention companies like panasonic  and tata group which had so much to show us.

Conclusively, it is a a call to developing countries especially in Africa to visit these types of exbihition and trying to cope with the speed of the advancement of science and technology for the betterment of the continent at large. I represent Tanzania.

Check the official website of elecrama, worlds largest exhibition of everything electric  @elecrama and learn how India and other are making the world better or download their app in play store and app store.


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The bio gas powered generator that can power almost 100 houses.