A love Letter.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

Good Morning my love,                                                                                                                        

Oh, sorry, it’s afternoon,

Today I woke up late,

Because the whole night,

I was thinking about you.


This letter to you,

I miss you, it’s true,

And yes am sick,

So sudden, it’s flu,

But this shall pass too.


It’s three years your gone,

For studies you said,

But now I wonder,

When will you graduate,

And come back to stay.


If not tell me,

I must know for sure,

So that I shouldn’t wait,

Maybe i should move on,

There is so much to do.


A quick reply will do,

See you by then,

And prove me wrong,

Tchao, be good.

It’s me your pumpkin.


The only truth.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.


When you say why always me,
I tell you why not me.
Happiness isn’t bought,
But the poor don’t have it.

My dreams are too long,
Than the hour I sleep.
And when I wake plans,
Of making them a reality,
I realize it is already dark,
So I have to dream again.

I don’t know where to start.
But when I start,
Believe me,
I won’t stop till I finish.

If am not afraid to die,
Why be afraid to live.

In words they say,
Work smarter not harder.
But in real life it is.
Work harder then smarter.

And know am dying,
Just a piece of advice,
To you my brothers and sisters,
If you let nature decide,
You will never get a conclusion,
Then you will be,
The only one to blame.

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What were you born for?


The best question you can ask yourself is “why was I born?” What is your purpose in this world? This poem explains it very ironically, mentioning the most important part of your life, “death”. Read careful this poem, get time to interpret it, find a purpose to your life in this world then start your journey because it all ends the same. Please don’t quote me wrong.

Born to die.

Some say,
Born to lead,
Born to study.

Others say,
Born to eat,
Born to fight,
Born to travel,
Born to hustle.

Few say,
Born to sing,
Born to serve,
Born to learn,
Born to earn.

Some conclude,
Born to love,
Born to suffer,
But all were born to die.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Writer.

Warning: This poem should not be used in any means do demotivate someone.

#please share and comment your thoughts below#

Quote of the day.

I think success is to be exactly what God called us to be and fighting to your death to live that out. By Unknown.


