A love Letter.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

Good Morning my love,                                                                                                                        

Oh, sorry, it’s afternoon,

Today I woke up late,

Because the whole night,

I was thinking about you.


This letter to you,

I miss you, it’s true,

And yes am sick,

So sudden, it’s flu,

But this shall pass too.


It’s three years your gone,

For studies you said,

But now I wonder,

When will you graduate,

And come back to stay.


If not tell me,

I must know for sure,

So that I shouldn’t wait,

Maybe i should move on,

There is so much to do.


A quick reply will do,

See you by then,

And prove me wrong,

Tchao, be good.

It’s me your pumpkin.


HOI POLLOI, Happy Women’s Day.


When we celebrate women’s day, I hereby present this wonderful poem “HOI POLLOI” written by my fellow poet Lucas Kweka. And here it goes:


She has always been a music note in between,

A rare sound, that is always forgotten,

They don’t realize how she did it so keen,

Yet observable their shame unspoken,

Shielding her potentials in her heart within,

So unafraid shall she rise long hidden,

When will they hoist you, my sweet hoi polloi.



She has it kept that hidden tsarina,

Domestic is her middle name,

The dishes, the laundry and the cooking lasgana,

She does it with no shame,

Her mentor by heart her princess Diana,

She has tried but happy all the same,

When will they hoist you, my sweet hoi polloi.



It kept on coming last, her education,

Trying to take her down, male chauvism,

She is able she is strong, so why the segregation,

It is time we let it go, our utter sceptism,

A woman’s heart, love, kindness, and compassion,

A lioness, a leader, a queen and a colorful prism,

You are a warrior to be hoisted too. My sweet hoi polloi.



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lucas kweka
Poet and soldier Lucas Kweka


What were you born for?


The best question you can ask yourself is “why was I born?” What is your purpose in this world? This poem explains it very ironically, mentioning the most important part of your life, “death”. Read careful this poem, get time to interpret it, find a purpose to your life in this world then start your journey because it all ends the same. Please don’t quote me wrong.

Born to die.

Some say,
Born to lead,
Born to study.

Others say,
Born to eat,
Born to fight,
Born to travel,
Born to hustle.

Few say,
Born to sing,
Born to serve,
Born to learn,
Born to earn.

Some conclude,
Born to love,
Born to suffer,
But all were born to die.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Writer.

Warning: This poem should not be used in any means do demotivate someone.

#please share and comment your thoughts below#

Quote of the day.

I think success is to be exactly what God called us to be and fighting to your death to live that out. By Unknown.




What is education?




Door to new innovation.



Source of information.



Gives me motivation,

Together with determination,

Making my life mission,

Possible without contamination.



With skills of communication,

Helps in propagation,

Of many people’s vision,

Of bringing resolution,

To the world’s most difficult questions.



Is not a limitation,

But the ability to meet life’s situation.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Writer.





Success is when a talent meets opportunity.


      It is true that success is when preparation meets opportunity and the vice versa. But it is also true that success is when talent meets opportunity. Who doesn’t have a talent in this world? None. But how many people are using their talents effectively? Few. But in my case studies, I found out that most of successful people are so because they utilized their talents effectively. You might not know what a talent is. A talent is a natural ability, skill, creativeness or an artistic aptitude. If any talent meets opportunity, that’s when we say someone is very successful. Look, Thomas Edison never did well in school and his teachers always demoralized him. But it is his experimental talents and physics’ genius that made him invert the electric bulb and become among the successful people the world as ever known. Even Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, Dale Carnegie, Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling, Mike Tyson and other successful people had to pursue their talents to become what they are today. Some of them had to drop school to pursue their talents. Some of them had to quit high paying jobs only to pursue their talents. This shows how important a talent is in ones journey to success.  It is a call to you and me to cultivate our talents so as to shorten our success journey.

Dedicated to: students all over the world, people who have lost hope.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Student and Enterpreneur.

A word from the author.

A talent is a gift that is given to you by God. Either use it or he will take it away and give it to another person. (more spiritual)

Quote of the day.

Success is when a talent meets opportunity. By Aloyce Mkwizu.

Everyone is gifted. But most people never open their packages. By unknown.

jordan yugf
