HOI POLLOI, Happy Women’s Day.


When we celebrate women’s day, I hereby present this wonderful poem “HOI POLLOI” written by my fellow poet Lucas Kweka. And here it goes:


She has always been a music note in between,

A rare sound, that is always forgotten,

They don’t realize how she did it so keen,

Yet observable their shame unspoken,

Shielding her potentials in her heart within,

So unafraid shall she rise long hidden,

When will they hoist you, my sweet hoi polloi.



She has it kept that hidden tsarina,

Domestic is her middle name,

The dishes, the laundry and the cooking lasgana,

She does it with no shame,

Her mentor by heart her princess Diana,

She has tried but happy all the same,

When will they hoist you, my sweet hoi polloi.



It kept on coming last, her education,

Trying to take her down, male chauvism,

She is able she is strong, so why the segregation,

It is time we let it go, our utter sceptism,

A woman’s heart, love, kindness, and compassion,

A lioness, a leader, a queen and a colorful prism,

You are a warrior to be hoisted too. My sweet hoi polloi.



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lucas kweka
Poet and soldier Lucas Kweka


What were you born for?


The best question you can ask yourself is “why was I born?” What is your purpose in this world? This poem explains it very ironically, mentioning the most important part of your life, “death”. Read careful this poem, get time to interpret it, find a purpose to your life in this world then start your journey because it all ends the same. Please don’t quote me wrong.

Born to die.

Some say,
Born to lead,
Born to study.

Others say,
Born to eat,
Born to fight,
Born to travel,
Born to hustle.

Few say,
Born to sing,
Born to serve,
Born to learn,
Born to earn.

Some conclude,
Born to love,
Born to suffer,
But all were born to die.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Writer.

Warning: This poem should not be used in any means do demotivate someone.

#please share and comment your thoughts below#

Quote of the day.

I think success is to be exactly what God called us to be and fighting to your death to live that out. By Unknown.





To all mothers in the world.

Words can’t describe how important mothers are in this world, but from the definition of a poem, “a small piece of writing in which expression of feelings is given intensity” i hope this piece will.

Dear Mama.

Dear Mama,

I hope you are fine and robust.


I’m writing this piece saying thanks,

For the 275 days in your stomach,

And the 700 days in your arms,

Your back being my bed of preference.


All the times I have been foolish,

And the times they were against me,

You always stood by my side.


You are my best teacher,

Cause the life you taught me,

Is the best lesson I’ve ever learned.


How can I forget the three rules back then,

That toilet is for pee and pupu,

Evening was for prayer,

And night was for sleeping.



When I cried, you got headache,

And I used to cry a lot,

Still you valued each tear drop.


You forgave me before I realized am wrong,

And taught me not to repeat mistakes,

No being can take you place.


Dear Mama,

What you did is called sacrifice,

My life and success belong to you.


You were, are and will be,

My one and only favorite,

And I will love you till infinity.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Writer.

Dedicated to all mothers in the world especially my lovely mother.

*which was the best line of this poem? comment below*

#If u liked the poem, please like and share to everyone you can. Nothing will happen that I can promise but just share.#








Everything is less in the 21st century.



Welcome to the 21st century,

Where everything is less.

Believers faithless,

Dignity priceless,

Culture limitless,

Leaders speechless,

People unity less,

Love passionless,

Robbers fearless,

The law harmless,

The ignorant countless,

The rich heartless,

The poor hopeless,

Orphans homeless,

Children careless,

Books useless,

Life meaningless,

Ideas worthless,

While this piece is endless,

I become speechless.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet, Writer and Entrepreneur.    

A word from the author.

It is a call to all youth to do whatever they can do to make the world a place to be especially in these tough times of 21st century where we can see a lot of negative changes happening to our beautiful world.

Quote of the day.

The world is full of smart poor people. By Robert Kiyosaki.


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First things first.


The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing, said Stephen R covey. Putting first things first has been one among the secret of successful people since the beginning of time. I bet that students, teachers, parents and everyone need this mantra to be successful in their respective fields of operation. Putting first things first has a big relation with time management but be careful when you manage your time on the things that are not much important to you at that time, that’s when you will wonder how your success journey becomes more longer. Stephen R Covey explains it better in his book with the same title as the article. As a student, the first thing here is school. Sports and relationships (not saying that they are not important) should come after sometimes not at all. Failure to put school first than the later things leads to failure and related stuffs. Prove me wrong that students, who put school first while other factors are kept constant, have done wonders.  As a parent, your family works as the first thing here because you are much obligated to them as nothing else can be compared. You can also prove this from where you live that parents that put their families first have made a step in their lives. As a leader your first thing should be to serve. Other things should follow. Trust me, If we all decide to put first things first in our lives, our success journey would be shorter as not expected. Welcome and let us practice the mantra.

By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Writer and Public Speaker.

first things

Accept Failure, use it to succeed.


We all know the phrase that says “never give up.” It has been the most used word to motivate people since the beginning of time. And all that is because failure has been part of our life. This proves the statement that says failure is a part of success. There is no success in life without even a dot of failure and I can prove this. Look, Jesus had to die to save the world. Here I have compared death to failure. A lot of vivid examples can prove that failure is important in the success journey. The only man who hasn’t failed is the one who has never tried, said a successful person. The only reason that I have written this article is to remind you that tough times never last but tough people do. Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times before discovering artificial light (electric bulb). The biographies of successful people like Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Jack Ma, Nelson Mandela, Jay Z, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Albert Einstein and JK Rowling are all full of failures. It’s like am motivating you to fail but that’s not it. Am just trying to say that when failure comes just use it as a motivation to give you what you want. Failure is the only opportunity to begin again, but this time wisely, said Henry Ford a famous success of all time. So if you understood my point just believe me when I say failure is success in progress so “NEVER GIVE UP.”


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Writer and Entrepreneur.

Failure is success in darkness. By Aloyce Mkwizu.

Failure is success if we learn from it. By Malcolm Forbes.

Learn from others failures so that you won’t fall where they did. By Aloyce Mkwizu.

failurefail 1failure 2

A poem about my sins.

My sins.


Listen to my deadly sins,

Religion without fear of god,

Character without personality,

Wealthy without hustle,

Education not for self reliance,

Politics without justice,

Sincerity without accountability,

Intelligence without smartness,

Good but not perfect,

Money without knowledge,

Development not involving people,

Love without happiness,

Leadership without followers,

I legitimately confess, forgive.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet, writer and entrepreneur.

Dear readers, let me know what are your deadly sins and will add them to the poem.sin 2




Don’t spend your money anymore.


Guidelines to wise spending.

We as youth and future entrepreneurs are tempted every now and then to spend our money on things which we mostly don’t need forgetting that if we saved this money, we would end up on a million or something in just a few years of saving. “If you can’t invest it, save it”, were the words of a wise father to his son. As an entrepreneur saving your money is only thing you are advised to do if you can’t invest it so as when the right time of investing comes you should not get a capital problem which is the first problem facing entrepreneurs when they want to start a business.

Below are some of the questions you have to answer before you start to spend next time.

  • Do you really need it?
  • Is the price right?
  • Is the timing right?
  • Is there a substitute for it?
  • Is there any major disadvantage?
  • Have you ever researched the item?
  • Will its value increase or decrease?
  • Does it require expensive upkeep?
  • Have you compared prices?
  • Will you still want it this bad next week, next month or next year as you today or does delay means denial?
  • Will this purchase improve the quality of life?
  • Is it affordable within your present financial capability and budget?
  • Does it compliment your values and belief?
  • Will it help you achieve your vision and purpose in life?

These and many more should be considered before you spend your money next time. Please share this article to any youth entrepreneurs you know to keep them motivated so that we won’t loose them in this game.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Student, writer and entrepreneurWoman Dropping Coins Into Glass Jar.