A love Letter.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

Good Morning my love,                                                                                                                        

Oh, sorry, it’s afternoon,

Today I woke up late,

Because the whole night,

I was thinking about you.


This letter to you,

I miss you, it’s true,

And yes am sick,

So sudden, it’s flu,

But this shall pass too.


It’s three years your gone,

For studies you said,

But now I wonder,

When will you graduate,

And come back to stay.


If not tell me,

I must know for sure,

So that I shouldn’t wait,

Maybe i should move on,

There is so much to do.


A quick reply will do,

See you by then,

And prove me wrong,

Tchao, be good.

It’s me your pumpkin.


A word to a wise man is enough.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

A wise man once said, “A word to a wise man is enough.” Wise men are so wise that one word can make them understand everything. Behold  fellow wise men of this world, since I also want to join this community of wise people. Here are the few things I am learning from them.

  1. The best way to win an argument is by playing the loser. I just won one yesterday.
  2. Life is the only test without a marking scheme.
  3. Life is a journey, success is the destination, the faster the transport, the earlier you reach.
  4. If you can’t laugh from the same joke again and again, why cry for the same problem again and again.
  5. The biggest risk a person can take is to do nothing. In risk lies opportunities.
  6. Life is a game. Live it, love it, play it.
  7. All winners are losers who never gave up.
  8. Success is when a talent meets opportunity. That is why successful people keep preaching “do what you like to do.”
  9. The only people who don’t have problems are the dead people.
  10. Leadership is a philosophy, attitude and a state of mind.

Welcome to the community of wise men since for them, only a word is enough.

Thank you. #wise people #one word.0231378d-7397-4326-aac8-8d386199abe3

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