A love Letter.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

Good Morning my love,                                                                                                                        

Oh, sorry, it’s afternoon,

Today I woke up late,

Because the whole night,

I was thinking about you.


This letter to you,

I miss you, it’s true,

And yes am sick,

So sudden, it’s flu,

But this shall pass too.


It’s three years your gone,

For studies you said,

But now I wonder,

When will you graduate,

And come back to stay.


If not tell me,

I must know for sure,

So that I shouldn’t wait,

Maybe i should move on,

There is so much to do.


A quick reply will do,

See you by then,

And prove me wrong,

Tchao, be good.

It’s me your pumpkin.


HOI POLLOI, Happy Women’s Day.


When we celebrate women’s day, I hereby present this wonderful poem “HOI POLLOI” written by my fellow poet Lucas Kweka. And here it goes:


She has always been a music note in between,

A rare sound, that is always forgotten,

They don’t realize how she did it so keen,

Yet observable their shame unspoken,

Shielding her potentials in her heart within,

So unafraid shall she rise long hidden,

When will they hoist you, my sweet hoi polloi.



She has it kept that hidden tsarina,

Domestic is her middle name,

The dishes, the laundry and the cooking lasgana,

She does it with no shame,

Her mentor by heart her princess Diana,

She has tried but happy all the same,

When will they hoist you, my sweet hoi polloi.



It kept on coming last, her education,

Trying to take her down, male chauvism,

She is able she is strong, so why the segregation,

It is time we let it go, our utter sceptism,

A woman’s heart, love, kindness, and compassion,

A lioness, a leader, a queen and a colorful prism,

You are a warrior to be hoisted too. My sweet hoi polloi.



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lucas kweka
Poet and soldier Lucas Kweka