The only truth.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu.


When you say why always me,
I tell you why not me.
Happiness isn’t bought,
But the poor don’t have it.

My dreams are too long,
Than the hour I sleep.
And when I wake plans,
Of making them a reality,
I realize it is already dark,
So I have to dream again.

I don’t know where to start.
But when I start,
Believe me,
I won’t stop till I finish.

If am not afraid to die,
Why be afraid to live.

In words they say,
Work smarter not harder.
But in real life it is.
Work harder then smarter.

And know am dying,
Just a piece of advice,
To you my brothers and sisters,
If you let nature decide,
You will never get a conclusion,
Then you will be,
The only one to blame.

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A bad life is better than no life,

A bad plan is better than no plan,

A bad school is better than no school,

A bad experience is better than no experience,

A bad food is better than no food,

A bad service is better than no service,

A bad parent is better than no parent,

A bad progress is better than no progress,

A bad job is better than no job,

Bad is bad, nothing is worse,

Tough times never last,

I don’t need to prove,

What am utterly sure is,

Bad is sometimes good.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Entrepreneur.

Quote of the day.

Tough times never last but tough people do. By: Robert Schuller.

Just when the caterpillar thought that the world is over it became a butterfly. Proverb.


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What is education?




Door to new innovation.



Source of information.



Gives me motivation,

Together with determination,

Making my life mission,

Possible without contamination.



With skills of communication,

Helps in propagation,

Of many people’s vision,

Of bringing resolution,

To the world’s most difficult questions.



Is not a limitation,

But the ability to meet life’s situation.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Writer.





The unsolved riddle.


The pit.


Is it the pit?

That the rich or poor have it.

Is it the pit?

That the rich like it most,

And the poor despise it.

Is the pit?

That made the king cheat.

Is it the pit?

That brought the problems I hate,

That no one can get rid of it,

Yet it always want,

To be filled with more shit.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and Enterpreneur.

Can anyone solve this riddle, please comment your answer and follow this blog to get more interesting riddles like this. So much more to come.

Quote of the day.

We learn from failure, but don’t fail to much, trust me you will become a failure. By: Aloyce Mkwizu.

Image result for pit



A message from Libyans.


Today I have decided to put myself into the Libyan’s shoes, especially those who are mostly affected by the current situation of slavery in their country. By doing so the following is a poem that expresses their feelings to the world.


A man,

Whose land was,

Full of wanted wants,

Dominated by his own,


Too much became harmful,

His own wealth led him to agony,

And lost his self-esteem,

Is the man I was.


A man,

Whose body,

Now is not his own,

And his mind locked,

In his own motherland,

History repeating like a miracle,

A man who can’t,

Say a word about his rights,

That the world can listen,

Even though he has the right to do so,

Is the man I am.


A man,

Who won’t allow silence,

When it reach time to talk,

Who can pay back violence,

To the enemy who make him stack,

Who gonna break all virgin intelligence,

And irrigate the growing hearts of patriots,

Well determined,

To bring new life order,

With pain or no pain,

With suffering yes or not,

Is the man I wish to be.


Help me dear brothers,

To be the man I want to be.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet and A Libyan by virtual.

A word from the author.

What Libyans are passing through right now is not only an African concern but also a World calamity. By any means it has touched all of us especially psychologically seeing our brothers and sisters in that condition. Tough times never last but tough people do. Long live Libya, Long live Libyans.

aaa libya

aaa 1

aaav rg tg r

aaaaaaaaaaaaa slave rdgcb
Let us take a step. Everything is possible.

Image result for quotes about slavery

aloyce slavery
a message to the world.

Everything is less in the 21st century.



Welcome to the 21st century,

Where everything is less.

Believers faithless,

Dignity priceless,

Culture limitless,

Leaders speechless,

People unity less,

Love passionless,

Robbers fearless,

The law harmless,

The ignorant countless,

The rich heartless,

The poor hopeless,

Orphans homeless,

Children careless,

Books useless,

Life meaningless,

Ideas worthless,

While this piece is endless,

I become speechless.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet, Writer and Entrepreneur.    

A word from the author.

It is a call to all youth to do whatever they can do to make the world a place to be especially in these tough times of 21st century where we can see a lot of negative changes happening to our beautiful world.

Quote of the day.

The world is full of smart poor people. By Robert Kiyosaki.


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A poem about my sins.

My sins.


Listen to my deadly sins,

Religion without fear of god,

Character without personality,

Wealthy without hustle,

Education not for self reliance,

Politics without justice,

Sincerity without accountability,

Intelligence without smartness,

Good but not perfect,

Money without knowledge,

Development not involving people,

Love without happiness,

Leadership without followers,

I legitimately confess, forgive.


By: Aloyce Mkwizu. Poet, writer and entrepreneur.

Dear readers, let me know what are your deadly sins and will add them to the poem.sin 2